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Statistics of the Misuse of Drugs: Seizures and Offenders Dealt With, United Kingdom, 1988; Area Tables

NCJ Number
Date Published
31 pages
This bulletin, which presents statistics on seizures of controlled drugs and persons convicted for drug offenses in the United Kingdom covers 1988 and the previous 10 years where possible.
Statistics on seizures cover the seizures of controlled drugs by police force area and other organizations making the seizure, seizure rates by police force area, seizures by police force area and drug type, seizure rates by police area and drug type, and seizures by police force area or other organization and type of seizure. Data on offenders cover the number and rates of persons found guilty or cautioned for drug offenses throughout the Kingdom and by police force area, by type of drug, by offense type, and by sentence. The statistics presented relate to the misuse of drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, which became effective on July 1, 1973. The act divides drugs into three categories according to their harmfulness. The tables presented supplement the main statistics on drug seizures and offenders in 1988 published in "Statistics of the Misuse of Drugs: Seizures and Offenders Dealt With, United Kingdom, 1988." 13 tables.


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